8 Simple Feng Shui Tips For Success

TIP 1: Remove the Clutter

This would have to be the one single problem that I see the most of and it would have to also be one of the easiest to remedy. Clutter can cause stagnant energy to accumulate, causing people to feel drained, tired and lethargic. I can usually walk into a business and just by looking around offices and desks; I can see who is having challenges, issues, delays and being unproductive. The same for a home; a home that has heaps of clutter will experience difficulties, challenges and issues.

We seem to come from a generation of hoarders, you were taught never to get rid of anything, you might need it someday; only to have it sitting there for years taking up space and collecting dust!

So have a good sort out and clear the clutter, you will improve the energy levels, work levels and productivity will increase no end. There is also a saying that goes like this ‘To make way for the new to come into your life, you need to get rid of the old’.


TIP 2: Get a Water Feature

Water features are great for improving the wealth of the home or business, but there are is a few placement rules. Water features come in many forms, they can be a table top or wall water feature, fish tank or bowl, and of course a fish pond or swimming pool. First of all make sure that any water feature you have is flowing water, stagnant water will create stagnant finances. Make sure you never let the water become green and murky; this will have a negative impact on your finances and the larger the volume of water, the bigger the impact. Water in Feng Shui represent Prosperity, so you make sure that the water is moving and is crystal clear. Also make sure that the flow of the water is going towards the home or if it is an inside water feature, into the home. This represents money coming into the home. You can always experiment with this one and see what happens when you have your water feature with the water flow going out; it can be quite interesting. If you have a fish pond or tank, 8 or 9 gold fish are the most auspicious amount to have. NEVER have a fighting fish, this creates conflicts and never place a water feature or the colour blue in a bedroom that is being used for sleeping as it represents financial losses. One of the best places to locate a water feature is in the South East section of any of these areas, the garden, the house, business or room as this is the Wealth section in one particular school of Feng Shui. If a bathroom or toilet is located here, do not place anything. Pictures can be utilized, however the same rules apply and they are not as strong as the real thing.


TIP 3: Your New Best Friend, the Money Frog

Place a 3 legged Money Frog, (sometimes known as the Moon Frog) and place by the front door of the home or business and make sure that he is pointing INTO the business or home. He brings in money and opportunities into the home and business. Also make sure that the coin (which should be placed in his mouth) has the side with the 4 Chinese characters facing up; this is the Yang side which is more active and aggressive, which is what you want when inviting money into your home/business. The Yin side, which is the passive, gentle side has the 2 characters on it and should be facing down.


TIP 4: Mirrors in Feng Shui

When designing the layout of a home or business, it is important to consider the placement of mirrors for optimal energy flow. The front entrance is the first area to address, as having mirrors directly opposite the door can bounce positive energy back out, preventing it from circulating throughout the space. It is also advisable to avoid placing mirrors in line with doors or windows.

Mirrors that reflect the bed should be approached with caution, as they can have negative effects on both children and adults. For children, it may lead to nightmares, while adults may experience irritability, lethargy, tiredness, and even health issues. To counteract this, consider using a solid bed end to block the reflection, covering the mirror with a sheet or tablecloth at night, or removing or reversing large robe mirrors. If none of these options are feasible, hanging a curtain in front of the mirror or covering it with posters or pictures can help mitigate the negative effects.

In cases where none of these solutions are possible, placing a Mayan Ball in front of the mirror can help redirect the energy flow. By being mindful of mirror placement and taking steps to address any potential issues, you can create a harmonious and positive environment in your home or business.


TIP 5: Say Goodbye to Cacti & Dried Plants

Cacti plants are often viewed as negative due to their association with “poison arrows” that can have a significant impact on health. It is highly recommended to remove them entirely from your space. Similarly, dried flower arrangements are considered to be negative as they lack life and are essentially “dead.” Placing them in a Master Bedroom can lead to relationship issues, while having them at a business’s front entrance may result in financial challenges.

I strongly advise removing these negative elements and replacing them with live, colourful plants and flowers to bring positivity and vitality into your environment. It is important to remember that once these plants start to wither, they should be promptly replaced to maintain a positive energy flow.


TIP 6: Use Jade Plants & Cumquats for Abundance

If feasible, I highly recommend placing a pair of either of these ‘abundance buddies’ on each side of your front entrance. These plants symbolize abundance and can bring positive energy into your home. You could even have both plants if space allows, but be mindful not to obstruct the flow of energy through the front door.

With Jade plants, if they become overgrown and touch the floor, it is advisable to trim them back. Pruning the plant will not only maintain its shape but also prevent any negative impact on your finances. Remember, a well-maintained plant can contribute to a harmonious and prosperous environment in your home.


TIP 7: Keep Bathroom Doors Closed

Bathroom and toilet doors should always be kept closed. In ancient times, these areas were located far from the main living quarters. However, in modern times, it is common to find homes with multiple bathrooms and toilets located inside the home.

In some newer, more modern homes, ensuite bathrooms are being designed without doors, with wider and more ornate entries. This trend is concerning. To combat this issue, it is recommended to keep bathroom and toilet doors shut if they have them, or to install some form of door if they are open. This could be a traditional door, sliding door, sliding blind/screen, or even a curtain.

Leaving bathroom and toilet doors open is believed to symbolize money and energy being wasted. It is also suggested to make a habit of closing the toilet lid after use. Teaching children this habit from a young age can be beneficial, as it can become a lifelong practice. For example, explaining to a child that leaving the toilet lid up could result in a loss of pocket money may serve as a great incentive. This practice can help save money and energy in the long run.


TIP 8: Feng Shui For Your Office Desk

Ensure that your desk is positioned with at least one side against a wall. Avoid placing it in the middle of the room, as this is known as a ‘Floating Desk’ and can result in lack of support for both the business and the individual using it. Ideally, position the desk in a way that allows you to see the doors and windows. Having your back to a door can lead to feelings of fatigue, lethargy, and insecurity.

I recommend positioning your desk so that your back is against a solid wall, with just enough space for entry and exit. This will place you in a position of authority, often referred to as the power seat. Being in a position where your back is not against a wall can leave you feeling vulnerable. If moving your desk is not an option, consider using a high-back chair for added support, similar to a throne.

Keep your desk free of clutter to maintain productivity, and consider placing a Laughing Buddha on your desk for prosperity.

UPDATED: May 3rd, 2024.

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