2017 Rooster Seminar – Chinese Animals Brief


2017 looks to be a promising year for the RAT with a high level of positive and transformational energy. With heaven luck bringing about big auspicious energies to help you to sail smoothly through. Strong mentor and success luck is indicated, stay alert to opportunities at the same time being mindful of yearly conflict and obstacles.

LOVE Relationship luck is stable. Flower of romance will bring improvements with happy events happening throughout the year.

MONEY Wealth luck is good with positive opportunities and outcomes.

HEALTH luck will be good to average. With a feeling of reduced energy being your only hindrance.

Best months will be May, July and September.

Bad months, to be mindful off are March, April, October and January 2018.



2017 will be excellent for the OX following the challenges of 2016, strong success luck for all endeavours makes this year very favourable in business, academic and relationship luck. Risks can be taken with solid outcomes.

LOVE Harmony will be found in your relationships, additional patience and effort will bring progress and a stronger outcome.

MONEY Expenditures and frivolousness may put a dent in your cashflow and wealth Luck, be careful and mindful of your money to avoid losses.

HEALTH Physically you may be prone to accidents and injuries. Your life force energy is just average so malaise and minor illness maybe indicated.

Best months will be March, May, July and December.

Bad months to be mindful off are February, August, October and November.



New luck, fresh opportunities in 2017 for the TIGER success comes slowly, be brave, cautious and work hard to bring about improvement in all areas for 2017.

LOVE Compromise and understanding strengthen relationship Luck with social luck and status on the rise.

MONEY diligence brings increase in wealth and favourable success.

HEALTH malaise and easy susceptibility to illness must be accounted for by healthy eating and more exercise.

Best months will be March, May, July and December.

Bad months to be mindful are February, August, October and November.



Preparation for challenges and an average outlook is required for the RABBIT in 2017. Auspicious prosperity luck is over shadowed by natural disasters and conflict. Conflicting energy weaken your confidence and inner guidance. Money and success luck is promising but less motivation to pursue. Not a year to take risks. Perseverance and unflinching focus will help RABBITS overcome.

LOVE with Flower of romance and peach blossom luck ample romantic opportunities will come your way.

MONEY prudence when it comes to money making opportunities is called for.

HEALTH Luck is weak, illness and malaise easy to succumb to make you focus on health and wellbeing being especially mindful of stomach and intestines issues.

Best months will be February, July, September and November.

Bad months to be mindful are March, May, June and December.



Fabulous year for the DRAGON, harmony great success fame and recognition luck is indicated. 2017 can be a big one life force energy is strong but the DRAGON sits on hidden obstacles energy meaning do not be your own worst enemy and self sabotage, be careful of hidden obstacles blocking your path.

LOVE is favourable for the Dragon in a Rooster year with Flower of Romance and Peach blossom luck indicates fabulous marriage potential.

MONEY a year to take opportunities and improve your financial position, but watch your expenditure.

HEALTH and wellbeing is relatively favourable but be mindful of stomach and intestines issues.

Best months will be August, October and December

Bad months to be mindful are April, June, July and January 2018



2017 looks to be an excellent year for the SNAKE something big is likely to come to you in 2017 especially if you are female being strong in 2017 than the male, unless you are the 40-year-old male Snake. 2017 is a good year with Small improvements, which can transform into big ones. Strong success luck if you work on long-term career and business plans. Now is the time to initiate your big plans. 2017 is a year to take risks in investments.  Prudence and caution is still indicated though as some challenges and obstacles are still about.

LOVE and nobleman luck is promising so Relationship luck is steady and quiet but promising.

MONEY and wealth luck shows future prosperity and nobleman luck is strong.

HEALTH will come down to you mental and physical wellbeing staying strong as your life force energy is weak but Health luck can still be good if you are mindful and responsible.

Best months will be August, October and December.

Bad months to be mindful of are April, June, July and January 2018.



The HORSES strength and strong constitution enables it to face the disruptions and challenges of 2017. The lack of confidence and self-assurance may undermine the misfortune and obstacles that 2017 brings about. Luckily the Horse has strong life force and spirit energy, this helps to overcome some of the challenges. Slow progress and surrounding yourself with secret friends and allies will help.

LOVE Flower of romance and peach blossom luck indicates an unbelievable amount of interest this year with relationship luck. An ideal time if you are single to make sure you are out socialising.

MONEY is generally lucky in 2017 and overall positive but watch your expenses and frivolous nature.

HEALTH and good wellbeing, exercise and healthy eating will be the key to strengthen your immunity to be able to fight against illness and malaise.

Best months will be April, June, August and January 2018

Bad months to be mindful of are February, March, May, September, November and December.



Many opportunities to come your way in 2017 but the GOAT needs to lay low and try to not do too much. A volatile year with betrayal robbery and theft if not careful in personal and business endeavours. 2017 is not a year to take risks, wait for opportunities to come to you stay cautious and keep focused and good time to consolidate, take stock and not the time to start new projects or adventures.

LOVE and relationship luck is healthy and active in 2017 but due to weak peach blossom luck and an overall feeling of loneliness brings a relatively uneventful year love wise.

MONEY and cashflow will seem to be more of a dream than a reality in 2017. Spend your money wisely, be cautions as wealth luck in 2017 is average to say the least.

HEALTH wise the GOAT is prone to getting sick very easily, especially with anything but small illnesses going around. Safety is also needed to avoid injury accidents so precaution is needed all round.

Best months will be June, August and October.

Bad months to be mindful of are February, May, September and November.



Harmony, unexpected movement and change is in store for the MONKEY in 2017. Great success luck can be accomplished, but only if you work hard. 2017 will brings it fair share of challenges and unexpected obstacles, not a year to relax with your mental and emotional health feeling fragile and being tested with who you can trust. Be on the lookout for cheating and betrayal from those around you be careful of who you trust and think twice before you act.

LOVE in 2017 is shiny and unexpectedly up in activity due to flower of romance and peach blossom energy’s making 2017 a great year for a new relationship. If in a relationship treasure what you have.

MONEY see’s 2017 a good year time to focus on financial matters. But do not get carried away with quick get rich schemes.

HEALTH luck is generally good. Life force and spirit energy is average but still mindful to watch for health issues to do with the heart, blood circulation and eyes.

Best months will be June, August and October.

Bad months to be mindful of are February, May, September and November.



Competition, creativity, achievement and lucrative investments for the ROOSTER in 2017. 2017 a very competitive year with strong success luck. Wonderful support from Grand Duke, mentors and noble people if you avoid gossip, control your opinions and fiery temper avoiding emotional turbulence anxiety and unease.

LOVE brings numerous romantic opportunities and relationships, make sure to expand your social circle and networking occasions.

MONEY managed wisely will avoid rough patches and losses. Wealth luck is overall good, but be careful.

HEALTH and wellbeing is generally good for the ROOSTER but stress and anxiety may cause malaise and zap your strength and energy. Pay attention to urinary system, liver and kidneys. Avoid sharp tool and objects as prone to cuts and blood loss.

Best months will be February, April, June, November and January 2018.

Bad months to be mindful of are July, September and October.



The DOGs nature is to be everybody’s friend and to be everywhere at once. To always be loyal and show up, this can be very exhausting. 2017 is a year to take it easy and rest. Spend time with self instead of exhausting oneself for everyone else. But 2017 does bring opportunities for artistic as well wealth creation and many exciting developments but be careful of loss of time money and energy. The DOG will receive wonderful support from influential benefactors but may still feel lonely and unsupported.

LOVE and relationship luck may be lacking from just being to weary to enjoy it so it will be an average year with no significant ups and downs just general stability.

MONEY to be treasured, think twice before lending, committing or making haste investments. Enjoy your wealth and good fortune.

HEALTH and life force energy is weak in 2017 small illness and malaise will be common, take care of your food intake, try not to over indulge and be vigilant on the roads and with extreme activities.

Best months will be March, May, October, and December.

Bad months to be mindful of are June, August and September.



Action packed expansive year for the PIG with harmony, travel, movement and unexpected changes when you least expect them. Good career progress with small victory’s. A year to be brave in initiating expansion plans although your problem-solving skills will be put to the test. Success luck is not strong so do not take to many high risks. 2017 is a year all about emotions and relationships more than business.

LOVE and relationship luck shows wonderful prospects for love. Love luck will often just hit a Pig in a Rooster year even if you are not looking for it or expecting it and great time for marriage with nobleman people luck as well as peach blossom and flower of romance.

MONEY luck is slow and steady overall so wealth luck is good in 2017.

HEALTH and wellbeing is strong but still undermined by minor malaise and a need to be careful of sharp objects, accidents and blood loss should be remembered.

Best months will be March, May, October, and December.

Bad months to be mindful of are June, August and September.


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