Health, Wealth & Prosperity Workshop

How would you like to learn the secret to improving your Health, Wealth and Prosperity, from a Feng Shui Master?

If you have ever read anything about Feng Shui, but found it all too confusing or you have had an interest in it and wanted to know more, then this is the workshop for you. “Health, Wealth & Prosperity” is a practical and fun workshop where you will learn three of the easiest Schools of Feng Shui (Form School, Bagua and Eight Mansions) that you can take home and put into practice immediately with positive results for not just you, but your whole family.

You will gain a deeper understanding of Feng Shui and how it can be used for:

  • Buying or selling a home
  • Growing wealth and prosperity
  • Improving sleep and study for children
  • Encouraging romance and better relationships
  • Improving health issues
  • Getting a job or boosting business

Come and learn how to turn your “house into a home” – you will learn:

  • How to identify negative and positive visual influences in your environment
  • How to rectify negative energy
  • How to invite positive influences into living and working environments
  • How to use mirrors correctly
  • How to get the most out of water features to improve the prosperity of your home
  • How to place enhancements and cures in your home to improve certain aspects
  • And so much more…
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