The Four Pillars of Destiny chart is your own personal chart based on your hour, day, month and year of birth. The Year of the Rooster forms what is known as a ‘Self Penalty’ for those who have a Rooster, and or Rabbit in their Four Pillars of Destiny chart. Penalties can mean challenges, frustrations, worries, hidden danger and troubles.

If you have the Rooster or Rabbit in your hour, day, month or year pillar – it indicates difficulties that may affect your business, career or education, home environment and health, as well as personal and professional relationships. This penalty is only active and able to cause trouble when these two animals are present at the same time, e.g., year, month, day or hour; and only if you are a ‘weak’ strength of elements. If you are a ‘strong’ strength of elements, you can expect reverse effects of good luck upon you.

When these two animals come together they can cause Fire related disasters, accidents, and sickness associated with the Fire element which are of the heart and blood.

The outcome will depend on where these animals appear in your chart. For instance, if the Rabbit appears in the day pillar it indicates disharmony in the home environment.

The most unstable months will be March and September 2017, as these months are represented by the Rabbit and Rooster (respectively).

The ‘clash animal’ of the Rooster is the Rabbit. A clash occurs between two animals in opposite directions on a compass being 180 degrees apart. The Chinese believe not to marry six years apart in age as it will be a clash of animals. A clash generally means conflict and disharmony.

The clash will occur whenever the two animals appear together at the same time. Rooster and Rabbit is a clash between Metal elements. This clash brings travel related accidents, especially land. Therefore, in 2017, there will be an increase in car accidents, as well as a rise in air and sea disasters.

March 2017 can be the most challenging month for the Rabbit (as it is Rabbit month and therefore there is a heightening of the clash), and in general the Rabbit hour which is 5am – 6.59 am of every day.

To deal with these challenges and difficulties, it is advised to wear or carry a token of the Dragon with you always to weaken the negative influences – this is because the Dragon is the Rooster’s secret friend.


Depending where an animal is found within your Four Pillars of Destiny chart, will indicate which area of your life it will have an influence and effect on.

  • The hour pillar relates to your career, business or education, and children.
  • The day pillar relates to your home environment and your spouse.
  • The month pillar relates to your emotions, health and parents.
  • The year pillar relates to your relationships with others, especially friends and colleagues.

The Snake, Ox and Dragon are in ‘harmony’, therefore, if you have one of these animals in one of your pillars you can expect a good and harmonious year for your business, career, education, home environment and personal relationships.

The Rabbit and Horse have the ‘flower of romance’ present, The Rooster is also “flower of Romance” which indicates “Peach Blossom” for people born in year or day of Monkey, Rat, Pig and Dragon, which means social life will be quite busy for the year. People will be more attracted to you and you may make new friends. It also indicates new romance or friendships can be anticipated in your personal and professional life.

The Monkey and Pig have the ‘travelling horse’ present, which means there will be change, movement and travel. If you have the Monkey or Pig in one of your pillars, travel or change could be coming to your business, career or private life.

The Pig, Rooster, Rabbit and Snake have ‘Nobleman luck’ this year. Also, people born on days of Yin or Yang Fire also have Nobleman luck. Nobleman luck is like secret protection; it helps you by making everything smooth and positive. You may get support you do not expect at home, school or in business.

The Rooster and Tiger have the ‘Academic star’ this year. There is the chance of excelling in studies and learning if you have the Rooster or Tiger in one of your pillars.

Pig and Goat have the ‘Loneliness star’ this year. If you have a Pig or Goat in one of your pillars you may experience periods of solitude or loneliness in your personal and business life.

The Dog and Ox have the ‘Star of Arts’ this year, which refers to having interest in the arts or an increase in artistic qualities. Therefore, the Dog or Ox in a pillar indicates more artistic influences in your business and home environments, and in your personal relationships. This Star also brings with it a tendency of loneliness.

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