Understanding Feng Shui and Your Home ... Introductory workshop to give the quick rundown and 8 handy tips on how to improve your home and environment … This Feng Shui introduction will give you the basics behind the ancient art and science of arranging objects to achieve perfect harmony. You will learn some meaningful information on the history of Feng Shui, but also a lot of non-serious, non-technical and practical information on how you can use Feng Shui for fun.

Land Form and Symbolism … Making the most of your Home and Interior … Want to know more about Feng Shui … Health Wealth & Prosperity Landform & Symbolism within your environment can have an enormous impact on your luck … Understand the easiest of the Feng Shui schools to learn and apply! You will be able to go home and put to practice immediately skills learnt with positive results for not just you, but the whole family.

Show Me the Money …  Chinese Astrology for Wealth and Success … The Chinese believe that your date of birth shows your destiny – it is your life’s blueprint. Be prepared to be truly amazed at what your date of birth can reveal! In this insightful 3-hour presentation, you will receive a personalised and detailed Chinese Astrology birth chart and shown how to interpret it to be able to tap in to your wealth attributes and abilities.

Lifestyle Feng Shui – Better living with Feng Shui … Learn Compass School … This interactive workshop teaches you the Compass School of Feng Shui known as Bagua or 8 sections, easy to learn and apply! This is a hand on interactive workshop about your home … Learn the secret to better living with Feng Shui to improve YOUR Health, Wealth and Prosperity! COMPASS SCHOOL FENG SHUI – THE 8 SECTIONS EVERY HOME IS SPLIT INTO AND THEIR REPRESENTATION.

Good Feng Shui … Property and Real Estate … Property choice, purchase and options … This two-hour presentation teaches you how to spot the right property for you … The good and bad in property choices and the surrounding environment … Why some property’s make money and others don’t … Is the home a healthy untroubled home…? Will a property attract good or bad luck …? Learn the secret to better property choices in WA to increase YOUR Health, Wealth and Prosperity!

Getting to KNOW you, Beginners Chinese Astrology Part 1 Day 1


The Sky’s the limit if you understand yourself … “Getting to Know You” Elements and Chinese Animals

This course is for the person who is fascinated with Chinese Astrology and wishes to learn and understand the basics. Personalised workshop teaching Four Pillars and Luck Pillars of Destiny, which is about every person’s birth chart structure that reveals life opportunities such as wealth, marriage, children, clashes, lucky periods, unlucky periods and more! There is so much you can discover about a person from charting and reading their 4 Pillars of Destiny (also known as a BaZi); it can be quite a valuable tool. There are many levels to 4 Pillars of Destiny and takes many years to master, albeit this is an excellent starting point.

Part 2 Day 2 … Getting to KNOW you, Beginners Chinese Astrology


The Sky’s the limit if you understand yourself …

“Getting to Know You” Elements and Chinese Animals

Delve further into Chinese Astrology and luck pillars with Part 2 Day 2 of Chinese Astrology, personalised workshop teaching Four Pillars and Luck Pillars of Destiny, which is about every person’s birth chart structure that reveals life opportunities such as wealth, marriage, children, clashes, lucky periods, unlucky periods and more! There is so much you can discover about a person from charting and reading their 4 Pillars of Destiny (also known as a BaZi); it can be quite a valuable tool. There are many levels to 4 Pillars of Destiny and takes many years to master, but this an excellent starting point.

Love Love Love … Tapping into relationship luck with Feng Shui …  How to tap into your relationship luck with Feng Shui … Finding Love is easy for some and yet just out of reach for others …The road to love and happy ever after isn’t always easy … Learn some simple Feng Shui tips and tools to help you achieve the relationship luck you deserve and would like to invite into your life … or simply enhance the relationship you have …

Booking and enrolment can be via above link, Eventbrite, Complete Feng Shui Facebook page or

Payment plans can be made by emailing Michele direct

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