Centre TRIUMPH 1

In 2017, there will be the annual visiting Flying Star 1 over the centre sector – this is a major improvement on last year. The Flying Star 1 represents victory, good fortune and success. I recommend the placement of a Horse, a Ruyi, a Dragon Tortoise, and a water feature would also be especially beneficial.

North West ILLNESS 2

In 2017, there will be the annual visiting Flying Star 2 over this sector. It represents illness. I recommend placing a Health Gourd, Six Gold Coins on red tassel, a Salt Water Cure and a Quan Yin.


In 2017, there will be the annual visiting Flying Star 3 over this sector. It is a hostile Star which represents anger, conflict, frustration and possible legal complications. I recommend placing Fire energy in this area such as red piece of paper, or you can use any red décor object. If your front door is in this area I recommend placing Temple Lions and the Evil Eye symbol. Remove any excess water or plants. Remove Metal windchimes. Do not overstimulate with radio or TV energy.

In 2017, the West is also where the Grand Duke will be located for the year. The Grand Duke is an energy point from the universe that’s classed as a God which should always be respected and never disturbed or confronted. It is strongly advised that you avoid any major renovations or any kind of earthmoving in this sector for the year and keep this area quiet. You can place a Chi Lin, Pi Yao and Fu Dog in the West facing the East to appease and assist this sector. But best to not disturb in the first place.


In 2017, there will be the annual visiting Flying Star 4 over the North-East sector. It represents love and romance; people scholastic and Academic luck. I recommend placing Mandarin Ducks or Huggers, along with peach blossom animals, plants and fresh flowers in this area.


In 2017, there will be the annual visiting Flying Star 5 over the South sector. It represents bad luck, mishaps and obstacles. It is the worst of all the nine Stars. I recommend placing a Brass Pagoda, and a Salt Water Cure in this area. A Ganesh will also assist with removing of obstacles. Keep electrical equipment to a minimum and avoid the colours red and yellow. Try to avoid any major activity within this sector.


In 2017, there will be the annual visiting Flying Star 6 over the North sector. It represents heaven luck, power and authority. I recommend placing Metal such as Six Gold Coins on red tassel, and Gold Ingots within this area. A Horse will also assist. A Black Tortoise in this sector will assist with career and business endeavours

South West ROBBERY 7

In 2017, there will be the annual visiting Flying Star 7 over the South West sector. It is a dangerous Star as it represents evil, robbery, past luck, betrayal, gossip, backstabbing and disaster. I recommend placing three pieces of Lucky Bamboo in a vase of water, and bright lights in this area, along with the Evil Eye Symbol, and one Blue Rhinoceros and one Blue Elephant, or two Blue Rhinoceroses for extra protection. If your front door is located here I also recommend Temple Lions.


In 2017, there will be the annual visiting Flying Star 8 with in this sector. It represents current prosperity. I recommend placing any form of wealth symbolism such as a Buddha, Wealth God, Six Gold Coins on red tassel, or Gold Ingots, and a water feature or a picture of water in this area. Activate and use the area as often as possible.

In 2017, The Three Killings, which is a negative energy force, has also moved to the East. When disturbed, The Three Killings tend to bring sickness and health issues, as well as multiple confrontations. You are best to not sit with The Three Killings behind you, instead you should face them. As a cure, place three Chi Lin in this sector. It is recommended not to disturb with renovations.


In 2017, there will be the annual visiting Flying Star 9 in this sector. It represents future prosperity. Enhance with any wealth symbolism such as a Buddha, a Wealth God, 6 Gold Coins on red tassel, or Gold Ingots. A water feature in this area will also be beneficial.

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