6 Feng Shui Tips for Improving Fertility

Fertility and Feng Shui – It’s Not Just About Babies!

In Feng Shui, fertility is more than just the physical ability to conceive a child. It extends to the broader concept of abundance, growth, and the creation of life in all its wonderful forms. It is the harmonious balance of energies within a space; an environment that creates new beginnings in life; in business; or the manifestation of creative sparks. Improving the energy of fertility involves creating a supportive and nurturing atmosphere that promotes the flow of positive energy. This is the recipe for the realization of one’s material and metaphysical desires and aspirations. In this post, we’ll explore six actionable tips derived from Feng Shui wisdom that are designed to optimize your living space and support your fertility journey.

  1. Activate Descendant’s Luck Direction: The North West (NW) sector is the direction of Descendant Luck, according to Feng Shui it is also the direction of Heaven. To activate this luck, the man should position his head pointing NW when he sleeps and face NW while eating and working.
  2. Introduce Fertility Symbols: Place pairs of items like mandarin ducks or cranes in your bedroom, representing unity and fertility. These symbols encourage a nurturing atmosphere and strengthen the intention for conception. For extra oomph, place them in the NW to activate descendant’s luck. Other fertility symbols you can use are a dragon turtle with babies on its back, a laughing buddha with 5 kids or lotus and peony artwork.
  3. Clear Clutter to Invite Positive Energy: Declutter your space, especially under the bed, to allow the energy to flow freely. A clutter-free environment not only allows for the smooth circulation of chi energy but also creates a sense of calmness and clarity around you.
  4. Balance Yin and Yang Energies: Incorporate elements of both yin (passive) and yang (active) energies in your decorating. For instance, pair soft fabrics with strong, supportive furniture to create balance in your living space, encouraging the harmonious balance necessary for fertility and growth.
  5. Enhance the South-West Area of Your Home: In Feng Shui, the South West sector represents the energy of love and marriage, which is closely tied to fertility. Decorate this area with symbols of love, such as pairs of objects or artwork depicting happy couples, to enhance fertility energy. Incorporate auspicious earthy tones such as soft yellows, terracotta, sandy beige, and warm browns. These colours evoke feelings of being nurtured and grounded, creating a harmonious atmosphere that supports the manifestation of love and creation.
  6. Consult Your Personal Chart for Favourable Timing: An important aspect to consider is the timing of favourable elements in your personal chart. Just as the energy changes and brings new opportunities each year, so does the movement of your chart. A skilled Feng Shui Consultant can easily find the best and least favourable timing for you to create new things in your life.

These are just a few of the many ways Feng Shui can be used as a touchstone for reference and enhancing your experiences. Remember Feng Shui is about creating harmony and balance in your environment and your life. It is a practical tool to guide and an energy system to create a space of harmonious flow, where contrast is not only accepted, but also embraced.

UPDATED: April 28th, 2024.

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