Flourished Magazine 2009

Flourish Magazine December 2009 By Talitha Marco

Michele Castle
Energize Life Feng Shui
Consultant and Interior Decorator
By : Talitha Marco FLOURISH MAGAZINE December 2009

It has been argued that the most successful businesses have grown from those passionate about what they do.

One passionate woman, Michele Castle, has recently developed her own business, Energize Life Feng Shui that combines elements of Feng Shui and interior design in order to promote well-being and balance for her clients within their homes.

Michele stumbled upon the five thousand year old art after having her house analysed by a Feng Shui consultant. She later found that Feng Shui accompanied her original occupation of an interior decorator nicely.

She began to study the art under Feng Shui masters such as Master Raymond Lo and Master Joe Yap.

Practising in her own home and the homes of friends,

Michele experienced and learnt the benefits of Feng Shui. She also noticed a huge improvement in her family dynamics and experienced increased amounts of luck.

“I started out as an interior decorator and then I actually just stumbled into Feng Shui because it was my interest.

“So, my interests and passions really are houses, so from doing interior design for my own houses to friends asking me to do things for their houses, I basically went into Feng Shui and it has just grown from there,” she says.

Michele basks in the freedom of her business that allows her to combine her passions and interests. She is appreciative of people who utilise her services of design and Feng Shui, as it is often a very personal experience.

“ I’m very grateful when somebody asks me to do their house. I find it’s quite a privilege to go into somebody’s home because it’s quite personal what you can get into in a home and houses, and people just fascinate me.

“So every job is like a new excitement or like a new adventure really,” Michele says.

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