Year Of The Water Dragon

What to Expect in the Year of the Dragon

Positive and Negative Changes Ahead! – The Year of the Rabbit was full of surprises like earthquakes, floods, and conflicts. But now, it’s time for the Year of the Dragon! This year will bring big changes, both good and bad. Get ready for a transformation!



Get Ready for Luck – The lucky number 6 is shining bright this year, bringing happiness, health, and wealth. To keep bad vibes away, use symbols of protection in your home and office.

Important Stars to Watch – Three stars will influence this year – the Aggressive Sword, the Flower of Romance, and Powerful Mentors. Get ready for some excitement!

Challenges Ahead – There might be some conflicts this year, especially with the quarrelsome “3” Star causing trouble. To keep the peace, try using a Laughing Buddha in red robes to calm things down.

Declutter for Success – Clear out the clutter in your home or office to make room for positive energy. You’ll feel lighter and ready to take on the year!

Wear a Rooster Pendant – If you’re a Dog or Dragon, wear a Rooster Pendant to help with any challenges this year. It might be a bit tougher for you, so stay prepared.

Travel and Romance – For Roosters, get ready for some romance this year! Tigers and Dogs will be on the move, so pack your bags!

Harmony with the Dragon – Monkeys, Rats, and Roosters will have a great year with the Dragon. Stay positive and embrace the changes coming your way.

Feng Shui Tips – Pay attention to the Annual Flying Stars for your compass directions. Stars like 5 and 2 can bring misfortune and sickness, so be prepared with remedies like wind chimes and health gourds.

Avoid Conflict – Depending on where your front door is located, you might face challenges like conflicts, accidents, or financial troubles. Stay aware and use Feng Shui remedies to keep the peace.

Embrace Prosperity – If your front door is in the West, get ready for a prosperous year! Your finances and business will thrive, bringing you success.

Final Thoughts – The Year of the Dragon will bring both positive and negative changes. Stay prepared, stay positive, and embrace the transformation coming your way!

UPDATED: May 7th, 2024.

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