Feng Shui Colours

Colour & Feng Shui

In Feng Shui, colour plays a significant role in creating harmony and balance within a space. Each colour is associated with different elements, emotions, and aspects of life. For example, red represents the fire element and is often used to bring passion and energy into a room, while blue symbolizes water and can promote tranquillity and calmness. It’s important to consider the specific energies you want to attract or enhance when choosing colours for your décor. In general, soft, muted tones are recommended for creating a relaxing atmosphere, while bold, vibrant colours can invigorate and stimulate creativity. By being mindful of the colours you use in your space according to Feng Shui principles, you can create an environment that supports your well-being and overall happiness.

Colours & Cures

  1. Red:
    • Element: Fire
    • Represents: Passion, energy, warmth
    • Use: Red is often used to stimulate energy and vitality in areas where you want to encourage activity, such as the living room or dining area. It can also be used as an accent colour to add warmth and excitement to a space. Feng Shui colour cure: Place a red rug or throw pillows in the south area of your home to enhance fame and reputation.
  2. Orange:
    • Element: Fire
    • Represents: Creativity, enthusiasm, optimism
    • Use: Orange is a vibrant and energizing colour that promotes creativity and joy. It can be used in spaces where you want to encourage social interaction and creativity, such as the kitchen or home office. Feng Shui colour cure: Display orange fruits like oranges or tangerines in the southeast area of your home to enhance wealth and abundance.
  3. Yellow:
    • Element: Earth
    • Represents: Happiness, positivity, intellect
    • Use: Yellow is a cheerful and uplifting colour that brings warmth and positivity to any space. It can be used in areas where you want to promote happiness and mental clarity, such as the kitchen or study area. Feng Shui colour cure: Hang a yellow painting or tapestry in the northeast area of your home to enhance knowledge and wisdom.
  4. Green:
    • Element: Wood
    • Represents: Growth, balance, harmony
    • Use: Green is a soothing and refreshing colour that promotes balance and harmony in the home. It can be used in areas where you want to promote relaxation and tranquillity, such as the bedroom or meditation space. Feng Shui colour cure: Place green plants or artwork depicting nature in the east area of your home to enhance health and vitality.
  5. Blue:
    • Element: Water
    • Represents: Calmness, serenity, communication
    • Use: Blue is a calming and tranquil colour that promotes relaxation and clear communication. It can be used in areas where you want to promote peace and harmony, such as the bedroom or bathroom. Feng Shui colour cure: Hang a blue crystal or artwork depicting water in the north area of your home to enhance career and opportunities.
  6. Purple:
    • Element: Fire
    • Represents: Royalty, spirituality, luxury
    • Use: Purple is a rich and luxurious colour that promotes spiritual growth and prosperity. It can be used in areas where you want to promote creativity and inspiration, such as the home office or creative studio. Feng Shui colour cure: Place purple candles or décor items in the southwest area of your home to enhance love and relationships.
  7. White:
    • Element: Metal
    • Represents: Purity, clarity, new beginnings
    • Use: White is a clean and pure colour that promotes clarity and new beginnings. It can be used in areas where you want to create a sense of spaciousness and purity, such as the entryway or living room. Feng Shui colour cure: Display white flowers or décor items in the west area of your home to enhance creativity and children’s luck.
  8. Black:
    • Element: Water
    • Represents: Strength, protection, mystery
    • Use: Black is a powerful and grounding colour that promotes strength and protection. It can be used in areas where you want to create a sense of mystery and depth, such as the bedroom or home office. Feng Shui colour cure: Place a black rug or décor items in the north area of your home to enhance career and opportunities.
Energy Flow


According to Feng Shui principles, colour plays a crucial role in influencing the flow of energy, or Chi, within a space. Each colour is associated with specific elements and energies, and by incorporating the right colours in your environment, you can enhance the balance and harmony of chi flow. Here’s how colour affects energy flow according to Feng Shui:

  1. Promoting Balance and Harmony: Colours are associated with the five elements—Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water—and each element represents specific qualities and energies. By incorporating a balanced palette of colors representing all five elements, you can promote equilibrium and harmony in your space, ensuring a smooth flow of chi.
  2. Activating Energy: Colors have the power to activate or stimulate energy in different areas of your home. For example, warm colours like red, orange, and yellow are associated with the Fire element and are known for their energizing qualities. They can be used in areas where you want to encourage activity and vitality, such as the living room or kitchen.
  3. Calming and Soothing: Conversely, cool colours like blue, green, and purple have a calming and soothing effect on energy. These colours are associated with the Water and Wood elements and can be used in areas where you want to promote relaxation and tranquillity, such as the bedroom or meditation space.
  4. Enhancing Specific Aspects of Life: Each area of the Bagua map, which divides a space into nine areas representing different aspects of life, is associated with specific colours. By incorporating the corresponding colours in each area of your home, you can enhance the energy related to that aspect of life. For example, green is associated with the Wood element and is often used in the Wealth area of the Bagua to enhance abundance and prosperity.
  5. Correcting Imbalances: In Feng Shui, color can be used as a remedy to correct energetic imbalances within a space. If a particular area of your home feels stagnant or lacks vitality, you can introduce the appropriate colour to activate and revitalize the chi flow in that area.

Overall, colour serves as a powerful tool in Feng Shui for shaping the energetic landscape of your home or workspace. By understanding the associations between colours, elements, and energy, you can create a harmonious and supportive environment that nurtures your well-being and supports your goals.

Yin and Yang

completefengshuiyinyangYin is considered a female energy: dark, passive, representing the earth, darkness, the moon, and death. While yang is male: positive and bright and representing heaven, light, the sun, and life. The tai chi symbol graphically shows the interaction of yin and yang, and how one cannot exist without the other. In the home it is important to balance hard yang accessories with soft yin items. Generally, the perception is that the darker the colour, such as black or blue, then the more yin (passive) it is. The lighter the colour, such as white, the more yang (positive) it is. Darker or brighter shades of colour bring in more energy, while softer pastel shades generate less energy. However it is more important to find the shade of colour that appeals most to you.

Elements by Colour

energize-life-5-elements_horzntl-300x53The Five Elements: fire, earth, metal, water and wood.

Each element symbolically represents a certain activity or condition certain colours also correspond to each element, and the activities or conditions follow the connection as well.

  • Earth colours – Yellow, earth tones activity or condition – Stability, security, aversion to change.
  • Metal colours – Gold, silver, white activity or condition – Structure, focus, details, criticism, contraction.
  • Water colours – Dark blue, black activity or condition – Fluidity, stillness, uncontained, yielding.
  • Wood colours – Green activity or condition – Growth, new ideas, expansion.
  • Fire colours – Red, hot orange activity or condition – Action, inspiration, heated discussions.

Using Colour to Enhance Different Areas of the Home

Colour Suggestions for the Bedroom: Opt for soothing and relaxing colours like soft blues, calming greens, or gentle earth tones to create a serene atmosphere conducive to rest and rejuvenation.

Colour Choices for the Living Room: Infuse your living room with vibrant hues of red, orange, or yellow to encourage social interactions, energy flow, and a lively ambiance perfect for gatherings and entertainment.

Impact of Colour in the Kitchen and Dining Area: In the kitchen and dining area, consider warm tones like red, orange, or earthy hues to stimulate appetite, promote connection, and create a welcoming space for nourishment and togetherness.

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