Centre – Annual Visiting Flying Star 1 for 2017

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E 8 1 3 W
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 For 2017, there will be the annual visiting Flying Star 1, known as the Star of Triumph and Success, in the Center. This lucky Star is associated with reputation, good name, status and fame. It brings excellent triumphant, victory over competition career and scholastic success. Spending a lot of time in this vibrant sector of your home or office is beneficial to effectively enhance your Noble pursuits, as well as wealth or career related pursuits. Those who enjoy these good influences will be inclined to experience victory luck in competitive activities.

The Flying Star 1 has a positive influence in attracting victory over past malaise and niggling health concerns. The Water element brings triumph via Yang energy to this auspicious Star, which you can activate by placing a water feature, a Horse figurine and a Ruyi in this sector.

The month of May brings the monthly visiting Flying Star 5 (bad luck and obstacles). The month of August bring the monthly visiting Flying Star 2 (illness). The month of July bring the monthly visiting Flying Star 3 (conflict, stress and frustrations). The month of March brings the monthly visiting Flying Star 7 (robbery).



Annual Visiting Flying Star 2 for 2017

SE   S   SW
  9 5 7  
E 8 1 3 W
  4 6 2
NE   N   NW


For 2017, there will be the annual visiting Flying Star 2 which brings sickness to the North West of all homes and businesses.

It is an Earth element Star that threatens to bring turbulent energies wreaking havoc on health, illness, disease and those with existing or persistent health problems. It is believed to worsen an existing illness. In 2017, the patriarch, elderly and pregnant women residing in this sector of the home will be affected by this negative Star the most. In 2017, it will affect you if your front door is located here, main bedroom or living area; or Dog and Pig born people, and the patriarch of the family, will experience feeling physically and mentally weak. The flying star 2 has the potential to bring positive property related or real estate investments but it will come at the cost of health.

It is strongly advised to help cure the North West of your home and business with a Health Gourd, (also known as a Wu Lou), Six Gold Coins on red tassel, a Salt Water Cure and a Quan Yin. If possible, wear a Wu Lou pendant or carry a Wu Lou amulet. Metal windchime are not recommended, the Metal energy is to be still and heavy.

To counter effects of this negative star, you can place heavy Metal objects made of brass, cooper, bronze or pewter in this sector. Metallic art work, colours and home décor items. Reduce and remove Fire and earth energy.

Pertaining to the Bagua school of Feng Shui this sector is representative of mentors and helpful people which can be enhanced with Metal décor items or the three Star Gods. The Star Gods also represent health, wealth and longevity and are excellent used in the main living area of a home to benefit all occupants.

The month of June brings the monthly visiting Flying Star 5 (bad luck and obstacles). The month of September bring the monthly visiting Flying Star 2 (illness). The month of August bring the monthly visiting Flying Star 3 (conflict, stress and frustrations). The month of April brings the monthly visiting Flying Star 7 (robbery).



Annual Visiting Flying Star 3 for 2017

SE   S   SW
  9 5 7  
E 8 1 3 W
  4 6 2
NE   N   NW


For 2017, there will be the annual visiting Flying Star 3 in the West sector. This Flying Star is the conflict and dispute Star. It is a hostile Star, known for bringing about violence, anger, misunderstandings, constant disagreements, heated arguments, litigation, trouble with authorities and in extreme cases, legal complications between family members, friends and or colleagues.

Health issues related to the liver, gall bladder, feet and arms may arise. Productivity will drop. Relationships between spouses will be affected with high tense energies. Harmony of families and stability of marriages will be affected. Watch out for trouble with the authorities or you may be hit with litigation. Daughters and the Rooster are the most likely to be affected. It is advised that to avoid immediately activating the harmful negativity of the Flying Star 3, one should try to not use this sector of the home, or avoid excessive movement and sound.

Cures to be placed in the West sector include a red piece of paper which is the traditional Chinese cure, or other red décor objects, candles, or bright lights. A Magic Flaming Wheel can also be used. The red phoenix or the image of an eagle. If your front door is in the West sector, it would benefit you greatly by placing Temple Lions there for extra protection along with an Evil Eye Symbol. Remove all wood energy from the West as well any Metal windchimes from West for 2017.

Pertaining to the Bagua school of Feng Shui, this area is representative of descendants, family and children luck; and the protection of your current assets and wealth. You can place any wealth symbolism in this area to assist such as Gold Coins, Gold Ingots, Wealth God and a Dragon Tortoise.

In 2017, the West is also where the Grand Duke will be located for the year. The Grand Duke is an energy point from the universe that’s classed as a God which should always be respected and never disturbed or confronted. It is strongly advised that you avoid any major renovations or any kind of earthmoving in this sector for the year and keep this area quiet. You can place a Chi Lin, Pi Yao and Fu Dog in the West facing the East to appease and assist this sector. But best not to disturb in the first place.

The month of July brings the monthly visiting Flying Star 5 (bad luck and obstacles). The month of October 2017 bring the monthly visiting Flying Star 2 (illness). The month of September bring the monthly visiting Flying Star 3 (conflict, stress and frustrations). The month of May brings the monthly visiting Flying Star 7 (robbery).



Annual Visiting Flying Star 4 for 2017

SE   S   SW
  9 5 7  
E 8 1 3 W
  4 6 2
NE   N   NW


For 2017, the annual visiting Flying Star 4 brings romance scholastic and literacy luck to the North East. It is also often called the Peach Blossom Star or a Star of beauty, knowledge and learning. In 2017,it stands to benefit the youngest son of the home, and Ox and Tiger born people. Generally, this Star brings about harmony and happiness in love relationships. It is highly auspicious for singles that are searching for love and marriage. Bringing about meaningful and fulfilling relationships. Those with a literary, artistic or creative background such as lecturers, teachers, artists, writers and researchers will see positive results in their work, with indication of further advancement. Students using this sector will have better examination luck and better luck in their applications for admission in to good schools or Universities.

To maintain and enhance love and romance in relationships, couples should strongly consider placing two Rose Quartz crystals next to or under their bed. You can also display love symbols such as Mandarin Ducks, Wish fulfilling birds or Huggers. To enhance Academic luck, display the Chinese saint Luohan or three Star Gods.

Feng Shui can prescribe a simple formula for helping singles who are looking for love and romance – it’s as easy as activating your ‘Peach Blossom Luck’.

Simply place an image of your Peach Blossom animal (derived by your Chinese animal sign) in its correct location of your bedroom or for 2017 in the North-East sector or room of your home and this will activate your Peach Blossom luck. (It is said will bring about luck within 3 months)

Try to use the most beautiful jewel encrusted animal you can find as this will further represent the kind of love luck you are searching for and deserve.

If you are a TIGER, HORSE or DOG place a Rabbit in the East of your bedroom.

If you are an OX, SNAKE or ROOSTER place a Horse in the South of your bedroom.

If you are a RAT, DRAGON or MONKEY place a Rooster in the West of your bedroom.

If you are a RABBIT, GOAT or PIG place a Rat in the North of your bedroom.

Pertaining to the Bagua School of Feng Shui, the North East is representative of knowledge, learning and education which you can enhance with a Crystal World Globe, world map Chinese saint Luohan or Dragon Carp.

The month of August bring the monthly visiting Flying Star 5 bringing (bad luck and obstacles). The months of February and November brings the monthly visiting Flying Star 2 (illness). The month of October 2017 bring the monthly visiting Flying Star 3 (conflict, stress and frustrations). The month of June brings the monthly visiting Flying Star 7 (robbery).



Annual Visiting Flying Star 5 for 2017

SE   S   SW
  9 5 7  
E 8 1 3 W
  4 6 2
NE   N   NW

For 2017, there will be the annual visiting Flying Star 5 (also known as the Yellow Star), the most dangerous, vicious and aggressive of all Stars. It is the Star of bad luck, obstacles and mishaps. It is always very bad news. It is a malicious Star feared by all Feng Shui-wise as it has the tendency to attract unfavorable outcomes, bad luck of all kinds and sometimes calamity. This can range from loss of money or salary, to illness that can be very serious. It has been thought to cause major disruption in business plans or even major accidents with serious injuries, which includes fatal accidents. It is an Earth element Star which in the South becomes the most dangerous. When a bedroom resides in this area it increases the effect of heart conditions and problems. With many damaging manifestations like bankruptcy, betrayals, disloyalty, obstacles, tragedies, mishaps and anything else that is negative, depressing and hazardous.

This area should be avoided completely where possible. Parties and activities are a big no-no. Avoid playing loud music or having a television on and keep windows and doors closed to keep outside noise from entering. Do not attempt renovation projects during this time in a home facing the South sector or a room located in the South. It will affect mostly those born in the year of the Horse, and girls of the home. The most effective way to combat the 5 Star is to leave it alone to the best of your ability – do not disturb it! If that isn’t possible it can be pacified with a Brass Pagoda, along with a Salt Water Cure. You can also use a Ganesha to assist with removing of obstacles.

To counter effects of this negative star, you can place heavy Metal objects made of brass, cooper, bronze or pewter in this sector. Metallic art work, colours and home décor items. Reduce and remove Fire and earth energy.

Pertaining to the Bagua school of Feng Shui, this sector is representative of fame, recognition and reputation. Along with a Horse statue a Red Phoenix would be most auspicious in this area to benefit this Feng Shui school. But for 2017, I would advise leaving alone and simply placing a 5-element pagoda.

The month of September bring the monthly visiting Flying Star 5 (bad luck and obstacles). The month of March brings the monthly visiting Flying Star 2 (illness). The month of February brings the monthly visiting Flying Star 3 (conflict, stress and frustrations). The month of July brings the monthly visiting Flying Star 7 (robbery).



Annual Visiting Flying Star 6 for 2017

SE   S   SW
  9 5 7  
E 8 1 3 W
  4 6 2
NE   N   NW

For 2017, there will be the annual visiting Flying Star 6, a Star bringing speculative, windfall heaven luck that is poised to bring good fortune, blessing the North sector, encouraging manifestation of career prospects. It is said to bring prosperity luck as well as power and authority luck straight from heaven. It is also known as an indirect wealth Star of good luck also straight from heaven that bodes well for professional activities, especially if you want to climb the career ladder or achieve higher recognition at work. Enhanced status and authority, good name and reputation are indicated. The authority that is brought upon by the positive aspects of this Star can also indicate status, influence in social circles. The Rat born person will find its influence most dramatic, and will also benefit from this heavenly Star.

Bring life to this Star with Yang energy such as water feature, sound and activity. Traditional enhancers include a Horse figurine, Six Gold Coins on tassel, or Gold Ingots.

If activated by negative external forms the lucky 6 can turn abruptly and bring with it sudden upheavals, changes and medical complications to the kidney or legs.

Pertaining to the Bagua school of Feng Shui this sector is representative of career and business which you can enhance with the image of water, blue black or water pictures and décor items. A Black Tortoise or Dragon Tortoise.

The month of October 2017 bring the monthly visiting Flying Star 5 (bad luck and obstacles). The month of April brings the monthly visiting Flying Star 2 (illness). The month of March brings the monthly visiting Flying Star 3 (conflict, stress and frustrations). The month of August bring the monthly visiting Flying Star 7 (robbery).



Annual Visiting Flying Star 7 for 2017

SE   S   SW
  9 5 7  
E 8 1 3 W
  4 6 2
NE   N   NW

For 2017, there will be the annual visiting Flying Star 7, an inauspicious Robbery and Evil Star, taking refuge in the South West. The Flying Star 7 is much feared because of the potential of theft, burglary and violence that it can bring in to one’s life. Those whose homes face the South West should use exceedingly strong caution during 2017 to avoid these calamities. The South West will mainly have an adverse effect on emotional and physical wellbeing. Office politics and competitions will be high. Being swindled by others is a real possibility. Watch your back during this period and be careful who you trust. Scams and trickeries are just around the corner. It especially affects the Mother of the family, people who spend a lot of time in this sector, as well as Goat and Monkey born people. Strong emotions, robbery, gossips and villains can be averted if you steer clear of the South West area.

Unhealthy competition gossip, and betrayal in the workplace is indicated. Sickness related to the mouth and teeth may surface. There is the possibility of hospitalisation or surgery for those with existing health complications. Remedy this Star with the traditional cure of three pieces of a Bamboo in a clear glass vase of water in the South West location; the Evil Eye symbol with seven glass elephants, or place one Blue Rhinoceros and one Blue Elephant, or a pair of Blue Rhinoceros figurines on in this sector, facing out of the home.

Pertaining to the Bagua school of Feng Shui, this sector is representative of love, romance and marriage. To enhance this, a pair of Mandarin Ducks is recommended in this sector.

The month of February brings the monthly visiting Flying Star 5 (bad luck and obstacles). The month of May brings the monthly visiting Flying Star 2 (illness). The month of April brings the monthly visiting Flying Star 3 (conflict, stress and frustrations). The month of September brings the monthly visiting Flying Star 7 (robbery).




Annual Visiting Flying Star 8 for 2017

SE   S   SW
  9 5 7  
E 8 1 3 W
  4 6 2  
NE   N   NW

For 2017, there will be the annual visiting Flying Star 8 shining brightly over the East sector, making it the luckiest sector of the year. It is the Star of current prosperity bringing abundant wealth money fortune and good luck of wealth, nobility and steadfastness. You can expect improved income, wealth success and power luck. Professional pursuits, good reputation and efforts acknowledged will flourish if you can tap into this positive wealth sector.  The Rabbit born person will benefit the most.

If your home has a main door, living or family area in this sector, everyone in your home will be able to gain from this Star. To allow energy to flow, this area should be kept clutter-free. To activate its luck, any form of wealth symbolism can be placed in this area such as a Buddha, 6 Gold Coins on tassel, a Wealth God or Gold Ingots, as well as bright lights clocks, TV and lots of activity.

Pertaining to the Bagua school of Feng Shui, the East is representative of health. Enhance with a Green Dragon and Quan Yin.

In 2017, The Three Killings, which is an energy force, has also moved to the East. When disturbed, The Three Killings tend to bring sickness and health issues, as well as multiple confrontations. You are best to not sit with The Three Killings behind you, instead you should face them.

It is strongly advised that you avoid any major renovations or any kind of earthmoving in this sector for the year and keep this area quiet. You can place a Chi Lin, Pi Yao and Fu Dog in the West facing the East to appease and assist this sector. But best not to disturb in the first place.

The month of March brings the monthly visiting Flying Star 5 (bad luck and obstacles). The month of June brings the monthly visiting Flying Star 2 (illness). The month of May brings the monthly visiting Flying Star 3 (conflict, stress and frustrations). The month of October bring the monthly visiting Flying Star 7 (robbery).



Annual Visiting Flying Star 9 for 2017

SE   S   SW
  9 5 7  
E 8 1 3 W
  4 6 2  
NE   N   NW

For 2017, there will be the annual visiting Flying Star 9 shining brightly over the South East. It is the Star of Future Prosperity, happiness and recognition. This dynamic and entertaining Fire Star spurs celebrations, festivities, gatherings and excellent good luck. It is also referred to as the Star of completion because it shows the ability to bring successful fruition to projects started previously. It affects success in finance and abundance luck. It enhances the luck to have a positive outcome in the future for the seeds you have previously sown, and encourages any endeavour towards boosting your income, especially if you are the eldest daughter of the family. Dragon and Snake born people will fruitfully be able to tap in to this excellent Flying Star.

It is also a secondary Star that brings wealth, boosts business profits and investments. Boosts fame and recognition. You are advised to use this room frequently if you wish to start a new business, plan to marry or start a family. Enhance with any wealth symbolism such as such as a Buddha, trinity of horses, 9 Gold Coins on tassel, a Wealth God or Gold Ingots, and keep this part of the home or office brightly lit. Red phoenix, lots of red upholstery and decor here.

Buildings that face the South East should be in for very good overall fortune in 2017. If you can, convert the South-East sector of your home in to your study or work room.

Pertaining to the Bagua School of Feng Shui, the South-East sector is governed by wealth so you should also start to see an increase in your finances. You can enhance wealth luck in this area with a water feature, Dragon Tortoise and any other wealth symbolism.

The month of April brings the monthly visiting Flying Star 5 (bad luck and obstacles). The month of July brings the monthly visiting Flying Star 2 (illness). The month of June brings the monthly visiting Flying Star 3 (conflict, stress and frustrations). The month of February brings the monthly visiting Flying Star 7 (robbery).

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